How to create an average, rank, total measures over a field (by dynamic period) in SSAS?

Lanz 0 Reputation points

Hi everyone,

(I post here a question I created in stackoverflow, hopefully I will have better luck here)

I'm new with SSAS technology and I have an existing cube that measures hits by page on web site. In few words the cube is structured as followed:

  • a dimension 'Expression' that contains reference to pages with DOI property as identifier.
  • a dimension 'Date' to filter hits by period with hierarchical properties (year, month, day)
  • a measure 'successful hits' that contains hits by DOI by date (one hit is recorded by timestamp, no aggregation by DOI)

So it's quiet simple to get results like this:


But I want also to get average, total and rank of hits by page and period like this (manually edited into Excel):


I tried to add a calculated measure to get the average by adding first a property to aggregate the count of hits : [Measures].[Hits count]

Then calculated [Average Hits] : [Measures].[Successful Hits]/[Measures].[Hits Count]

But all I get is 1 (because the [Measures].[Successful Hits] is equal to [Measures].[Hits Count]...)

How can I have :

  • average of count by period
  • total by period
  • rank by item

Hope it's clear...

Thank you for your help!

SQL Server Analysis Services
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