The fact that one client (abc) is over their storage limit while another (xyz) is well within theirs is a significant clue. Exceeding storage capacity can lead to slower database performance due to increased read/write times, lack of space for efficient indexing, and potential throttling by the database provider.So you may need to check if the API and database servers have adequate resources (CPU, memory, bandwidth) and are properly scaled to handle the load. If the number of requests has increased over time, the current infrastructure might not be sufficient.
How to increase the Custom Rest API Processing Speed?
Hi, Can anyone help me understanding on why API speed is not what it used to be?
I have designed a custom API for one of my client(lets say abc), in this I created a Staging table to store data received from API and on Insert event in table using codeunit I am creating a sale invoice with all the customization client required, initially API was creating each invoice in 2- 2.5 sec but now it is taking 10-15 sec for each invoice, I am deleting data time to time from staging table so that there will not be too many unwanted past data.
I also tested the exact same API for another client(lets say xyz) and there it is not taking more then 1 sec to create each invoice.
Could it be possible due to over usage of database then the storage capacity because the client(abc) is currently has storage capacity of 250 GB and they 12 GB over then the limit & client(xyz) currently has consumed only 50 GB and still has 60 GB free storage?
What are all the things that could affect the processing speed of API?