Cannot go through employment verification. Verification process ended

Dmitry Streblechenko (MVP) 16 Reputation points

I was asked to submit the following:

“Examples of verification documents are as follows: Domain registration / Domain invoice at registration or renewal that lists Entity/Username and domain as it is stated on your account”.

 I did.

 Then the request was

“Unfortunately, we require the information on your profile and documents matches, such as domain and Entity name/Username. Please provide additional documentation such as Domain invoices to complete the verification process”.

 I am not sure what you are asking: Domain invoice? I submitted an invoice: domain is registered to Advanced Messaging Systems LLC.

Or by “matches”, do you mean the domain name should reflect the company name? “Advanced Messaging Systems LLC” is a mouthful, so the domain name is different. [] is registered by me, but it redirects to (which matches my secondary email address).

Is that what you are looking for?

I cannot reply or upload any new documents. There is no way to open a new support request in the Partner center. I am stuck. Very Kafkian experience.

Please resume the verification process and feel free to request any additional documentation if needed.


Thank you!


Dmitry Streblechenko

Microsoft Partner Center
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