- Why does db go to 'NO SYNCRONIZING' and cluster connection timeout when db is busy?
You have already said db is busy, when db is busy, you can think that there are limited resources but for busy db, the process and
its threads need more time to wait, to recovering and restoring.
Availability database status:
Not synchronizing
If the primary database is in this state, it means that the database is not ready to synchronize its transaction log with the corresponding secondary database.
If the secondary database is in this state, the database may
(1) Log synchronization is no longer performed due to connection problems or redo failure,
(2) The log synchronization with the main database is "suspended",
(3) Due to role switching, it is in the middle of transition.
You can check as that run cmd, and then ping listener's ip -t, then failover, there you can see one timeout, then connected, means that it is in switching time.
- when system is quiet, it stays as 'NO SYNCRONIZING' now, to fix it, i needs to open 'FAILOVER CLUSTER MANAGER', why is it a fix. does it restart some services or rejoined node to cluster? (since I can't see anything is the system logs and cluster logs also shows nothing). If so, can I run a powerscript command to do the same as open app.
Why do you use latest SP and CU to have a test. Check why your db is always busy, you can classify them in different dbs to sharing the load.
A connection timeout has occurred on a previously established connection to availability replica 'server1' with id [***]. Either a networking or a firewall issue exists or >the availability replica has transitioned to the resolving role.35206
Always On Availability Groups connection with primary database terminated for secondary database 'db2' on the availability replica 'server1' with Replica ID: {**}. This is >an informational message only. No user action is required.35267
This issue occurs because of a deadlock condition between a redo thread and a switch-role thread.
If your verison is meet the fixed versions, always have these issues, I recommend you to submit your issue to the Microsoft feedback at this link https://feedback.azure.com/forums/908035-sql-server . This site will serve as a connecting point between you and Microsoft, and ultimately the large community for you and Microsoft to interact with. Your feedback enables Microsoft to offer the best software and deliver superior services, meanwhile you can learn more about and contribute to the exciting projects on Microsoft feedback.
If the issue still exists after you have tested, please don't hesitate to ask professional engineers for help, and they will deal with your problem separately and confidentially: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/assistedsupportproducts