You could use the same method of consolidating logs but in your logic app, you can set up a 5 minute interval that listens to a resource every 5 minutes. And if the resource is detected to have your criterias (aka failure) you can then do a slack message. Otherwise the logic app instance terminates and nothing else happens.
- Create a logic app with 5 minute interval
- Set up "When a resource event occurs" and set up triggers to your log resource or if you want, set up triggers for all the resources (data factories) and skip the log workspace (if i understood it correctly).
- If you have set up this use conditions to check if a "failure" has occured in one or multiple resources (at the same time).
- If a failure happened, send slack message of what failed ( You could probably send a batch message of which failed if thats what you want)
- If nothing failed, the instance is terminated.
I hope i understood this correctly and if this was helpful :)