Hi @Nikhil Kapse ,
Thank you for using the Microsoft Q&A.
To create an AudioConfig object for Azure's Speech Pronunciation Assessment service given a public link to an audio file, you can follow these steps.
Import the necessary libraries and configure your subscription key and region.
import requests
import base64
import json
import time
import azure.cognitiveservices.speech as speechsdk
subscriptionKey = "YOUR_SUBSCRIPTION_KEY"
region = "YOUR_REGION"
public_audio_url = "https://www.example.com/public_audio.wav"
Initialize uploadFinishTime
and define the wave header.
uploadFinishTime = 0
# Common wave header, with zero audio length
WaveHeader16K16BitMono = bytes([82, 73, 70, 70, 78, 128, 0, 0, 87, 65, 86, 69, 102, 109, 116, 32, 18, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 128, 62, 0, 0, 0, 125, 0, 0, 2, 0, 16, 0, 0, 0, 100, 97, 116, 97, 0, 0, 0, 0])
Create a generator function to read audio data chunk by chunk from the URL.
def get_chunk_from_url(audio_url, chunk_size=1024):
global uploadFinishTime # Define uploadFinishTime as a global variable
yield WaveHeader16K16BitMono
with requests.get(audio_url, stream=True) as response:
for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size):
if not chunk:
uploadFinishTime = time.time()
yield chunk
Build pronunciation assessment parameters and request headers.
referenceText = "Perhaps"
pronAssessmentParamsJson = "{\"ReferenceText\":\"%s\",\"GradingSystem\":\"HundredMark\",\"Dimension\":\"Comprehensive\"}" % referenceText
pronAssessmentParamsBase64 = base64.b64encode(bytes(pronAssessmentParamsJson, 'utf-8'))
pronAssessmentParams = str(pronAssessmentParamsBase64, "utf-8")
url = "https://%s.stt.speech.microsoft.com/speech/recognition/conversation/cognitiveservices/v1?language=en-us" % region
headers = {
'Accept': 'application/json;text/xml',
'Connection': 'Keep-Alive',
'Content-Type': 'audio/wav; codecs=audio/pcm; samplerate=16000',
'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': subscriptionKey,
'Pronunciation-Assessment': pronAssessmentParams,
'Transfer-Encoding': 'chunked',
'Expect': '100-continue'
Send the request with chunked data from the public audio URL.
response = requests.post(url=url, data=get_chunk_from_url(public_audio_url), headers=headers)
getResponseTime = time.time()
resultJson = json.loads(response.text)
print(json.dumps(resultJson, indent=4)
# Check if uploadFinishTime is still 0 (not updated) and calculate latency
if uploadFinishTime == 0:
uploadFinishTime = time.time() # Set it to the current time
latency = getResponseTime - uploadFinishTime
print("Latency = %sms" % int(latency * 1000))
This code allows you to perform pronunciation assessment with Azure's Speech Pronunciation Assessment service using a public URL for the audio file, without the need for local or Azure Blob storage. The audio data is streamed from the URL, and the pronunciation assessment is performed based on the provided parameters.
"RecognitionStatus": "Success",
"Offset": 190300000,
"Duration": 3300000,
"NBest": [
"Confidence": 0.99992526,
"Lexical": "Perhaps",
"ITN": "Perhaps",
"MaskedITN": "perhaps",
"Display": "Perhaps.",
"AccuracyScore": 25.0,
"FluencyScore": 0.0,
"CompletenessScore": 0.0,
"PronScore": 5.0,
"Words": [
"Word": "Perhaps",
"Offset": 190300000,
"Duration": 3300000,
"Confidence": 0.0,
"AccuracyScore": 25.0,
"ErrorType": "Mispronunciation",
"Syllables": [
"Syllable": "paxr",
"Offset": 190300000,
"Duration": 1200000,
"AccuracyScore": 32.0
"Syllable": "haeps",
"Offset": 191600000,
"Duration": 2000000,
"AccuracyScore": 20.0
"Phonemes": [
"Phoneme": "p",
"Offset": 190300000,
"Duration": 200000,
"AccuracyScore": 0.0
"Phoneme": "ax",
"Offset": 190600000,
"Duration": 500000,
"AccuracyScore": 31.0
"Phoneme": "r",
"Offset": 191200000,
"Duration": 300000,
"AccuracyScore": 57.0
"Phoneme": "h",
"Offset": 191600000,
"Duration": 500000,
"AccuracyScore": 35.0
"Phoneme": "ae",
"Offset": 192200000,
"Duration": 500000,
"AccuracyScore": 13.0
"Phoneme": "p",
"Offset": 192800000,
"Duration": 500000,
"AccuracyScore": 23.0
"Phoneme": "s",
"Offset": 193400000,
"Duration": 200000,
"AccuracyScore": 0.0
"DisplayText": "Perhaps."
Latency = 0ms
For more details on the technical documentation, go through the Speech-to-text and PronunciationAssessment sample