@David Bittencourt Pires Based on your requirements, Azure Notification Hubs is the best solution for you. You can use the Azure Notification Hubs REST API to get the list of registrations and then generate a file and copy it to a folder in your NFS filesystem.
Here are the steps you can follow:
- Use the Azure Notification Hubs REST API to get the list of registrations. You can use the following API endpoint to get the list of registrations:
GET https://{namespace}.servicebus.windows.net/{notificationHub}/registrations/?api-version=2015-01
You will need to authenticate your request using a Shared Access Signature (SAS) token. You can create a SAS token using the Azure portal or Azure CLI.
- Once you have the list of registrations, you can generate a file and copy it to a folder in your NFS filesystem. You can use any scripting language of your choice to generate the file and copy it to the folder.
- To schedule this task to run once a week, you can use Azure Logic Apps. You can create a Logic App that triggers on a weekly basis and calls the Azure Notification Hubs REST API to get the list of registrations. You can then use the "Create file" action in Logic Apps to generate the file and the "Copy file" action to copy the file to the folder in your NFS filesystem.