Azure Front Door will sometimes only deliver a certificate after repeated requests

I have configured Azure Front Door to deliver HTTPS-encrypted traffic on my Apex Domain.
However, both I and some of my customers sometimes observe that the server will not offer a TLS certificate upon establishing the connection. For a customer, this can mean that they are not able to use my website at all. Instead, the pageload will fail with PR_END_OF_FILE_ERROR
in Firefox or other, similar error codes in other browsers.
This can be verified by running openssl s_client -port 443
where is my Apex Domain, for example in an Azure Cloud Shell. If the request fails, the output looks like this:
no peer certificate available
No client certificate CA names sent
SSL handshake has read 0 bytes and written 303 bytes
Verification: OK
New, (NONE), Cipher is (NONE)
Secure Renegotiation IS NOT supported
No ALPN negotiated
Early data was not sent
Verify return code: 0 (ok)
When repeatedly calling the command after receiving this error, the server will start delivering a certificate as expected:
depth=2 C = US, O = DigiCert Inc, OU =, CN = DigiCert Global Root CA
verify return:1
depth=1 C = US, O = "DigiCert, Inc.", CN = GeoTrust Global TLS RSA4096 SHA256 2022 CA1
verify return:1
depth=0 CN =
verify return:1
Certificate chain
0 s:CN =
i:C = US, O = "DigiCert, Inc.", CN = GeoTrust Global TLS RSA4096 SHA256 2022 CA1
a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
v:NotBefore: Jul 7 00:00:00 2023 GMT; NotAfter: Jan 7 23:59:59 2024 GMT
1 s:C = US, O = "DigiCert, Inc.", CN = GeoTrust Global TLS RSA4096 SHA256 2022 CA1
i:C = US, O = DigiCert Inc, OU =, CN = DigiCert Global Root CA
a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 4096 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA256
v:NotBefore: May 4 00:00:00 2022 GMT; NotAfter: Nov 9 23:59:59 2031 GMT
2 s:C = US, O = DigiCert Inc, OU =, CN = DigiCert Global Root CA
i:C = US, O = DigiCert Inc, OU =, CN = DigiCert Global Root CA
a:PKEY: rsaEncryption, 2048 (bit); sigalg: RSA-SHA1
v:NotBefore: Nov 10 00:00:00 2006 GMT; NotAfter: Nov 10 00:00:00 2031 GMT
Server certificate
(remaining certificate omitted)
subject=CN =
issuer=C = US, O = "DigiCert, Inc.", CN = GeoTrust Global TLS RSA4096 SHA256 2022 CA1
No client certificate CA names sent
Peer signing digest: SHA256
Peer signature type: RSA-PSS
Server Temp Key: ECDH, prime256v1, 256 bits
SSL handshake has read 4878 bytes and written 437 bytes
Verification: OK
New, TLSv1.2, Cipher is ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
Server public key is 2048 bit
Secure Renegotiation IS supported
Compression: NONE
Expansion: NONE
No ALPN negotiated
Protocol : TLSv1.2
Cipher : ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384
Session-ID: (redacted)
Master-Key: (redacted)
PSK identity: None
PSK identity hint: None
SRP username: None
Start Time: 1699480538
Timeout : 7200 (sec)
Verify return code: 0 (ok)
Extended master secret: yes
How can I address this issue so that the certificate is always delivered?