I've had the Azure For Students pack for about half a year now.
Recently I saw that in that package I should get a B1s, B2ats v2, B2pls v2 (Saw it here) for both Windows and Linux. But when I signed up it was only a B1s.
Whenever I go to my Free Services page it only mentions B1s and B2ats v2 leaving out the B2pls v2. However on this link it mentions the following:
Azure free account includes:
750 hours of Standard B1, B2ATS, and B2PTS Linux Virtual Machine
750 hours of Standard B1, B2ATS Windows Virtual Machine
2 P6 (64GiB) managed disks
When I go to create a virtual machine it only lets me use a B1s and if I go onto a B2ats v2 it shows me the following:
Insufficient quota
2 vCPUs are needed for this configuration, but only 0 vCPUs (of 0) remain for the Standard Basv2 Family vCPUs.
This system is extremely confusing and has left me wondering, What VMs do I get and what do I not get?