Error code "Count [24]: The specified key attributes 'msdyn_name' are not defined as keys for entity 'msdyn_sustainabilityorganizationalunit" How do I solve it?
I have been trying to import sample data in to Microsoft Sustainability Manager. Unfortunately I receive this error code.
"Count [24]: The specified key attributes 'msdyn_name' are not defined as keys for entity 'msdyn_sustainabilityorganizationalunit', which has entity keys 'msdyn_naturalkey (Not Active): msdyn_name | msdyn_alternatekey (Not Active): msdyn_origincorrelationid' No valid records were inserted."
Chat GPT suggested that I should check the key attributes for "msdyn_name". However, I can't seem to find "msdyn_name" anywhere. Is there any step that I have missed? I have followed the learning path of Sustainability Manager step by step, but still get this error code. Any help would be appreciated so I can continue the learning path before my trial period is over.