Titel: Analyzing Storage Migration Service Issues with PowerShell Script
Hello everyone,
Initial Analysis:
Our initial approach involved analyzing two different log files from the Storage Migration Service. The first log suggested issues with a specific job ("Job does not exist"), indicating potential problems with job configuration or existence. The second log hinted at possible issues with recursive paths, which led us to suspect issues with symbolic links.
PowerShell Script for Further Analysis:
To dive deeper, we decided to utilize a PowerShell script to scan the C$ drive for symbolic links, particularly focusing on identifying any recursive links or links containing Unicode characters, which might be causing the hang-up. The script was written for PowerShell 4.0 and designed to traverse the file system, checking each directory and file for symbolic links, then reporting back any findings of recursive links or links with Unicode characters.
Here’s the final version of the script we used:
# Funktion zum Überprüfen von Symlinks
function Check-Symlink($Path) {
try {
$item = Get-Item -LiteralPath $Path -Force -ErrorAction Stop
# Überprüfen, ob das Item ein Verzeichnis und ein Symlink ist
if ($item -is [System.IO.DirectoryInfo] -and $item.Attributes -match 'ReparsePoint') {
$target = Get-Item -LiteralPath $item.FullName -Force -ErrorAction Stop
# Überprüfen auf rekursive Links und Unicode-Zeichen
if ($target.LinkType -eq "SymbolicLink") {
$linkTarget = $target.Target
if ($linkTarget -like "*$item*") {
Write-Host "Möglicher rekursiver Link gefunden: $Path -> $linkTarget"
if ($linkTarget -match "[^\u0000-\u007F]") {
Write-Host "Link mit Unicode-Zeichen gefunden: $Path -> $linkTarget"
} catch {
# Fehler ignorieren und fortfahren
Write-Host "Fehler beim Zugriff auf: $Path"
# Funktion zum Durchlaufen des Dateisystems
function Explore-Folder($Folder) {
try {
# Prüfen aller Items im Verzeichnis
Get-ChildItem -LiteralPath $Folder -Force -Recurse -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | ForEach-Object {
Check-Symlink $_.FullName
} catch {
# Fehler beim Durchlaufen des Verzeichnisses ignorieren
Write-Host "Fehler beim Durchlaufen von: $Folder"
# Starten des Scans auf dem Laufwerk C$
Explore-Folder "C:\"
The script ran successfully, providing feedback on the directories and files it was scanning. While it didn't find any recursive or Unicode-containing symbolic links, the process of systematically checking the file system was valuable. It helped us rule out one potential cause of the issue and guided us towards other areas that might need investigation.