Hey, You w.r.t refresh of powerbi post data ingestion, you can use web activity to triggee the powerbi refresh via rest api. The below blig explains the same : https://datasharkx.wordpress.com/2022/11/07/refresh-power-bi-dataflow-dataset-from-azure-data-factory-synapse-pipeline-via-service-principal-part-2/ w.r.t naming convention, it depends on the individual users/organization standards and there is no fixed aspect. We follow appending the type in front of name like in case of pipeline PL_entityname, for linked service LS_entitynm
Data Factory Questions
Michael Stoler
Reputation points
I have two basic questions about Data Factory.
- I have a Pipeline that loads data into Azure SQL which is then read by PowerBI. Is there a way to have Azure Data Factory trigger the reload of the PowerBI DataSet?
- Are there standard naming conventions for Data Pipeline Objects, maybe like Pipelines start with 'PPL', etc.
Thank You,