Thanks for the information, but I'm still not solve my problem.
Probably it's something simple!!
Below the steps that I did, till I failed.
1. Keyvault and storage account should be created
2. Give Key Vault access to your storage account
az role assignment create --role "Storage Account Key Operator Service Role" --assignee '' --scope "/subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<StorageAccountResourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<YourStorageAccountName>"
via this url:
3. Give your user account permission to managed storage accounts
az keyvault set-policy --name <YourKeyVaultName> --upn ****** --storage-permissions get list delete set update regeneratekey getsas listsas deletesas setsas recover backup restore purge
via this url:
4. Create a Key Vault Managed storage account
az keyvault storage add --vault-name <YourKeyVaultName> -n <YourStorageAccountName> --active-key-name key1 --auto-regenerate-key --regeneration-period P90D --resource-id "/subscriptions/<subscriptionID>/resourceGroups/<StorageAccountResourceGroupName>/providers/Microsoft.Storage/storageAccounts/<YourStorageAccountName>"
via this url:
Instead of 90 days I did it for 1 day.
5. Add a sas-definition for a container sas-token
$sastoken = az storage container generate-sas --account-name storageacct --account-key 00000000 -n container1 --https-only --permissions rw
$url = "https://{storage-account-name}{container-name}" # The prefix of your blob url
az keyvault storage sas-definition create --vault-name vault --account-name storageacct -n rwcontaineraccess --validity-period P2D --sas-type service --template-uri $url?$sastoken
via this url:
I change the account-key to the current value of key1 from the storage account, I guess this is correct!?
6. Verify the shared access signature definition
az keyvault secret list --vault-name <YourKeyVaultName>
via this url:
Here it failed. I always get back an empty array from secret list command. Secret show command also return nothing.
What do I wrong?