If you want the script works on both windows server 2012 and 2016, you could use different parameters based on the os version.
$Params2012 = @{
"Once" = $true
"At" = $startTime
"RepetitionInterval" = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 3)
"RepetitionDuration" = ([TimeSpan]::MaxValue)
$Params2016 = @{
"Once" = $true
"At" = $startTime
"RepetitionInterval" = (New-TimeSpan -Minutes 3)
if([environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -eq 10){$Params = $Params2016}
if([environment]::OSVersion.Version.Major -eq 6){$Params = $Params2012}
$trigger = New-ScheduledTaskTrigger @Params
Best Regards,
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