How to disable the "External sender" banner in Outlook

Jean Paul Nkundabose 100 Reputation points

I recently started seeing a banner in Outlook that says "External sender - This email was from outside your organization. Reply only if you know this sender and trust the content." How can I disable it, and where does it come from?User's image

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  1. Shaofan Lv-MSFT 6,915 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hello @Jean Paul Nkundabose

    Please check to see if it has been updated recently. I found a recent case similar to yours. The moderator mentioned that it was caused by an update, and the problem resolved itself within 24 hours. Please refer to this if you want to roll back to an older version.

    In addition, not sure if it could be related to this.User's image



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  1. Andy David - MVP 143.6K Reputation points MVP

    That looks like some custom banner setup by your org with a transport rule disclaimer or 3rd party product.

    The "official" external banner looks like this: