Hello again, thanks for your assistance, the problem that I have mentioned, is fixed, I am not asked anymore about github username, but there is a new problem referred to the second instruction in the same exercise, which is, change the 04-custom-skill directory, when i put the code of changing the directory : cd doc-intelligence/04-custom-skill/ I get no such a file or directory.
problem in the exercise, lack of information to continue working in azure
Zahraa Daniel Naim
Reputation points
hello, in the module of Build an Azure AI Document Intelligence custom skill for Azure Cognitive Search , the exercise section, after I wrote the first command: rm -r doc-intelligence -f
git clone https://github.com/MicrosoftLearning/mslearn-ai-document-intelligence doc-intelligence, needed on Bash, I got a requirement asks this: Username for 'https://github.com':, what is it? can you please provide us with the username to solve the exercise? it is really interesting, i do not want to miss these kinds of exercises that train me for better use of azure