@pantonis ,
Thanks for contacting Microsoft Q&A platform.
Based on your specifications, I recommend taking the following factors into account when choosing the Azure instance type for your deployment.
1. Virtual Machine Series:
· For database workloads, consider using the Azure Virtual Machines (VM) D-series or E-series. These series are optimized for applications that demand higher compute power and memory.
· D-series VMs provide a balance of CPU, memory, and disk resources and are suitable for a variety of workloads.
· E-series VMs are memory-optimized and can be a good choice if your workload requires a significant amount of RAM.
2. Virtual Machine Size:
· Depending on your specific needs and budget constraints, you can start with a medium-sized VM and scale up or down based on performance monitoring.
· For the D-series, you might consider starting with a VM like Standard_D4s_v3 or Standard_D8s_v3, and for the E-series, consider Standard_E4s_v3 or Standard_E8s_v3. Adjust the size based on performance requirements.
3. Storage Configuration:
· Use Premium SSDs for better performance, as they provide low-latency and high-throughput storage.
· Consider setting up your SQL Server data and log files on separate disks to optimize I/O.
Hope this helps.