Hi, with the below, when I try to access the subfolders, it will not allow me unless I run to replace all child object permission entries with inheritable permission entries from this object on each folder
what I am doing wrong, please help
what I would like to do is:
Trying to update and add permission to 1000 folders so the users cant more or delete them, and can have modified & access within the subfolders The top folder Test will have ready only access, subfolders (New Folders ) will have, modify this folder, subfolder and files on a Security group & Deny Delete on this folder only
$Group="Data Drive Access"
$UD = $Domain +"\"+ $Group
$Group2="Data Drive Access (Deny Delete-Move)"
$UD2 = $Domain2 +"\"+ $Group2
Domain Use format domain\username or domain\group
Take Ownership
takeown /f $StartingDir /r
Location of Directory
icacls $StartingDir /q /c /t /reset
icacls $StartingDir /grant:r "$($UD):(OI)(CI)M"
icacls $StartingDir /deny "$($UD2):(D)" /t
icacls $StartingDir /q /c /t
I have also ported this on spiceworks, as I tried using $acl.SetAccessRule($rule) and $acl.AddAccessRule($ruleAdd), ran into another problem.
o why won't this work