As you might know, the API Version 2014-04-01 will be retired by Microsoft. I want to change my ARM templates to use a newer version of the API. However, I run into an issue. I want to set the 'automatic tuning' settings to 'ON/ENABLED'. I can do this via the ARM template using the 2014-04-01 version of the API. See also
Newer versions of the API do not support this endpoint anymore. They state:
This resource type is read-only, which means it can't be deployed but an existing instance can be referenced. Typically, read-only resource types are automatically created by the service.
I tried exporting a template for an existing database, but that template is still using the depricated API.
How do I set these automatic tuning settings with a supported version of the API? The only thing I could find was This would however require an additional step in my deployment-pipelines to first deploy the server and secondly set the desired automatic tuning values.
I do not see the logic that this functionality is available via the management API, but not via ARM templates.