please help
I want to know if I can activate "wireless coverage zone" without having the internet connected to a laptop with Windows 11.
I also have a problem with the network that generates the wireless coverage zone, all phones see the network generated with "mobile wireless coverage zone with Windows 11 laptop", an old laptop with Windows 7 does see the network generated with "mobile coverage zone" mobile wireless coverage with a woindows 11" laptop, but a thoshiba laptop with windows 8 DOES NOT SEE THE NETWORK generated with "mobile wireless coverage area with a windows 11 laptop".
This is a problem since in my project I need to generate a network with a specific name and password, so that a passenger transportation device can automatically connect to the laptop that is generating the "mobile wireless coverage zone with Windows 11 laptop" network. "and you can download important information, if I do not have this tool on a laptop with recent Windows then I have to lower the security of the connection of the equipment mentioned before, this project was started 6 years ago using a laptop with Windows 8 generating a hosted network with "netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=YYYYYYYY key=XXXXXXX", and I reiterate that the connection security with this method of generating the hosted network is quite high since the equipment is installed on trains in Mexico City, and they are trains that transport people, as the equipment installed in all three does not transmit any kind of Wi-Fi network, so people cannot connect to the information recording equipment, for this reason the security of the project depends on a laptop that can generate a wireless network with a specific name and password, I also mention that there is no internet throughout the trains, so I ask if there is any way to generate the "mobile wireless coverage zone for a laptop with Windows 11" without having to be connected to the internet.
I request your help to solve this problem.