For your your information:
Apparently there is no fast synchronisation between the Default SharePoint Groups and the Office 365 group in Azure Active Directory.
But I saw as soon a user logs in, the synchronisation takes place and "Check Permissions" gives the right information.
SharePoint Online permission mistery
I have a MS365 group connected Team Site "Team3" with 6 members.
When I check permissions only 3 of them get their permissions via "Team3 - Members".
The member of "Team 3 - Members" is the MS365 group "Team - Members".
The other 3 get their permissions only via the group "Team3 - Visitors".
The group "Tem3 - Visitors" has no members.
The users of the group Visitors seem to have the permissions of the group Members, not Visitors, they can upload and edit documents.
How can I solve this mistery?
Is their a way to get more information from our environment to find out what is going on?
JanSp 156 Reputation points
1 additional answer
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JanSp 156 Reputation points
2020-11-03T06:52:26.097+00:00 It is important to mention that the temporary mismatch was caused by modifications to the Default Group's permissionslevel from Edit to Contribute.
To adjust the Default group in the GUI, you must first detach this group from the OS365 group by creating another group temporarily as Default group and then after adjustment make the Member group the Default group again.