Hi @Aramvalartha Subramanian Thanks for reaching out.
This is a throttling error : It means whenever there is too much traffic on this endpoint from a single end point. Azure throws a throttling error.
Resource Graph throttles queries at the user level. The service response contains the following HTTP headers:
(int): The remaining resource quota for the user. This value maps to query count. -
(hh:mm:ss): The time duration until a user's quota consumption is reset
As an immediate solution what you can do is just write down a retry mechanism based upon the time returned in following header of the response.
Since throttling is related to real time consumption of resources, There is no sure shot way to reproduce this.
Reason why Throttling is being implemented.
As a free service, queries to Resource Graph are throttled to provide the best experience and response time for all customers.
If your organization wants to use the Resource Graph API for large-scale and frequent queries, use portal Feedback from the Resource Graph portal page. Provide your business case and select the Microsoft can email you about your feedback checkbox in order for the team to contact you.
For more information on throttling, you can refer to the following link. Guidance on throttling of Azure resource If the answer is helpful, please click "Accept Answer" and kindly upvote it. If you have extra questions about this answer, please click "Comment"