I would pay for remote assistance if able to securely remote and track activity helping me to reorganize my entire filing system.
Note: I do pay for OneTastic which may be beneficial in re-organizing and would make use of other 3rd party tools if accuracy and expediency would be enhanced
OneNote has too many pages, or Sections, and or NoteBooks. Additionally, names are too long. There are NoteBooks within other NoteBooks causing a redundancy.
Within OneNote I have performed searches, tried to save them and move them into newly created re-structured Notebooks that I could then break down to sections, but OneNote will not search, save, and move other than one page at a time
I cannot determine how to re-structure and rename the entire filing system
Perhaps moving OneNote out of OneDrive and use a networked external hard drive for a storage facility within which I can reorganize and rename pages to sections?
Perhaps if I could see the full structure of the Directories, download certain factions, establish a more succinct folder system, re-establish Notebooks with a similarly named structure, and place them back into a cloud (OneDrive ?).
Perhaps I could run Everything app to get a mapping of my drives and perhaps my clouds too. I could place everything into MultCloud and begin transferring data into newly established folders? I would like to reduce my storages esp having Office Personal, Office Biz, iCloud, DropBox, Google PHotos and Drive, Amazon Drive and PHotos, Evernote, but want my data cleaned up and structured prior to merging. Thank you Am I allowed to provide a phone for text?