Hi Jeff,
Thanks for the post and sorry to hear that. I totally understand your frustration in dealing with this issue. You can try the following method to change the registry to force disabling the Windows Auto Upates.
Note: Disabling Windows updates permanently is NOT RECOMMENDED and will expose your Windows device to many security risks. Your system will be vulnerable and cause many problems. New updates always bring bug and security fixes + many improvements to your Windows operating system. But if you are still willing to block automatic updates, please try the below steps to disable it from the registry and see if that helps.
- Open the Start menu, type regedit, and then click on Registry Editor.
- Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU
- From the right panel, double-click on the NoAutoUpdate (REG_DWORD) and set its value to 1. Click OK to confirm.
- Restart the computer to affect the changes.
Also, you can open the Edge, press Shift+Alt+I to feedback the uservoice to the develop team. Many features of our current products are designed and upgraded based on customer feedback. We strive to capture any negative reviews in order to ensure that we are continuously improving our products to meet our customers' needs. With your efforts, we are committed to improving our products.
I hope this will help you to sort out the issue. Please let me know if you need further assistance. Thank you!
Best Regards,
Ian Xue
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