Hi, Please make sure that your authentication works properly. Clear browser caches. After that obtain the token and verify that the aud field is what you are expecting.
Microsoft.Graph.ServiceException: 'Error occured when making a request with the page iterator
Mewan Rangana
Reputation points
I have a issue when getting the folders form a share point library.
I get the error in this part of my code.
This is the error
unauthenticated : Invalid audience Uri '00000003-0000-0000-c000-000000000000'.
var pageIterator = PageIterator<DriveItem, DriveItemCollectionResponse>
.CreatePageIterator(_graphClient, response,
(children) =>
return true;
await pageIterator.IterateAsync();
This was working fine and there wasn't any changes recently in the code.
I already have included those scopes in the graph calls
MsGraphScope = new string[] { "user.read", "sites.read.all", "sites.manage.all", "offline_access" };
Please assist me to understand the problem here.