Hello @Tom Wrigglesworth Yes you can control the Apps in your Organizaton via the teams Admin Portal https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftteams/manage-apps App management tasks that are supported in admin center are in the table below. || | -------- | |Control which apps are available to users in your organization by allowing and blocking apps. You can also upload and approve custom apps. After managing apps on this page, you can use app permission and app setup policies to configure what apps are available for specific users in your organization's app store.|Manage apps in Teams admin center|Current article| |App permission policies control what apps you want to make available to Teams users in your organization. You can use the Global (Org-wide) default policy and customize it, or you can create one or more policies to meet the needs of your organization.|Permission policies|Manage app permission policies| |App setup policies control how apps are made available to a user with the Teams app. Use the Global (Org-wide default) policy and customize it or create custom policies and assign them to a set of users.|Setup policies|Manage app setup policies| |You can develop and upload custom apps as app packages and make them available in your organization's app store.|Org-wide app settings in Manage apps|Manage policy setting for custom apps| |You can customize the Teams app store with your organization's logo, custom background, or color.|Customize store|Customize your organization's app store| |The Teams app usage report provides information about which apps in use, active users, and other app usage information.|Usage reports|Teams app usage report| |Your users can add apps when they host meetings or chats with guests. They can also use apps shared by guests when they join meetings or chats hosted externally. The data policies of the hosting user's organization, and the data sharing practices of any third-party apps shared by that user's organization, are applied.|External access|App behavior depending on types of users| |With guest access, you can provide access to applications and other Teams functionality to people outside your organization, while maintaining control over your corporate data.|Guest access|Guest access in Teams| |Teams update policies are used to manage Teams and Office preview users who can see prerelease or preview features in the Teams app.|Teams update policies|Teams public preview|
-- I hope this helps! Kindly mark the answer as Accepted and Upvote in case it helped! Regards