I have tracking issues list in sharepoint online. It has assign, reassign, request type(lookup column =application type in the other list), attachment type(single line of text),attachments ,status, notes and created by field.
The other list that I take the lookup column from it has application type field, attachment type, request to field(person field which contains 3 directors at least).
When the user is trying to fill the form, he should choose the application type that is lookup field(drop down menu) , it should return in the attachment type from the second list which is corresponding to application type in the other list.
then when user filled and submitted the form, an email should be send to the assigned persons which is corresponding to the person field in the second list(it should take the value from the other list).
The email will be received to 3 directors, then the director who will handle the request will reassign it to himself or to another director, so the email will be send to him or to the reassigned person to notify him that you have this request and you have to handle it. And when the others opened the form to handle it will see a message that notify them that this director is handling the request now.
Also, an email should be send to the requester himself to notify him that you send a new request, and your request no is =id filed, when it's ready we will let you know.
And then when the director changed the status to close, an email will be send to the user to notify him that your request(request number) and (type of request)is closed and the notes that the director filled should be in the email.
How can I do this in power automation step by step ? this is my first time to use power automation.
And How to change the form for if the other director opens the request to handle it should show a message that"another director is handling this request now).
And when the requester clicks on his request,it should show him a table contains request no and request type and the status of the request (Pending, under processing or closed)
The requester can see all his requests in the My issues view, but he shouldn't see the others requests. How to reach to this?