Sorry for the late, but for the moment i was unable to solve the use, and maybe i found also other strange things for me, but probably is for the lack of knowledge
About the strange behavior, with the hidden GPO i found it only Running RSoP and only for my Domain Account that is an Account with some priviledge but not a full Domain Admin Account. If i use the regular account of the user, at least i don't see this "hidden" GPO, applied or denied.
This hidden policy it does not exist anymore the Group Policy Object of the GPMC and It was also linked to an OU that it does not exist anymore also. I tried gpupdate /force but nothing changes
There is an additional GPO that i don't know why is not applied. This gpo is appeared in the Group Policy Inheritance on the OU, and it should be applied for the Windows 10 Computer, but if i run the RSoP it seems it does not exist. it is not in the denied or approved policies.
This policy has a Security Filtering with a list of computer name written like this:
plus a WMI Filtering that should select only the Computer with Windows 10
*select * from Win32_OperatingSystem where Version like "10.%" and ProductType="1"*
So the GPO should be applied to the list of computer in the security Filtering, but the only one with Windows 10.
Now this policy is NOT APPLIED in the Windows 7 Computer, appeared in the RSoP as Denied Policy, and it is correct for me
I was expecting to be applied in the Windows 10 Computer? But other not to being applied, seems not to have been processed because it does not appear in the RSoP. either as an applied policy or as a denied policy.
I also noticed that what I called hidden policy has the same GUID of the GPO i was mentioning now. It is normal? I mean different name but same GUID
i also tried to access to this related folder in {xxxxx-xxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx} under /ServerDC/SYSVOL/DomainNAme/Policies but i dont have access. This is the normal behaviour? Because just trying i have access to most of the folder under SYSVOL/..../Policies
I'm a bit confused :-|