Hi @Stenina, Elena , You experience is correct. If you are expecting to be able to set streetside views at arbitrary locations, that won’t work. You can think of Streetside as a string of closed boxes where you are standing inside the box and looking in a particular direction. Take a look at the images in https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/bingmaps/articles/getting-streetside-tiles-from-imagery-metadata to see what I mean. For guidance
- When you set a streetside view, you set the location you want:
- You can also set the look direction
- You can set both the location and heading together
Of course, all this depends on having a streetside view available in the area, and the view you get will almost never be exactly at the location you specify – we’ll give you the nearest one.
I hope that clarifies the experience you are seeing and that it is expected to work that way. Sincerely, IoTGirl