Troubleshooting event 5393 from Microsoft-Windows-FailoverClustering

William Brooks 21 Reputation points

A Windows Server 2016 cluster is somewhat regularly registering the following event:

EventID: 5393
EventLevel: Information
EventSource: Microsoft-Windows-FailoverClustering
MachineName: xxxx
Message: The Cluster detected that this node is slower than others and degrade Cluster performance. If the condition persists, check for hardware or software errors related to this node. To avoid repeated events it is supress for 24 hours unless the Cluster service is restarted.

We have been unable to determine any significant difference between the cluster nodes that might lead to some performance difference and a search has so far lead to no additional information. Any definitive information regarding what is being tested that leads to this event would be very much appreciated.

Windows Server Clustering
Windows Server Clustering
Windows Server: A family of Microsoft server operating systems that support enterprise-level management, data storage, applications, and communications.Clustering: The grouping of multiple servers in a way that allows them to appear to be a single unit to client computers on a network. Clustering is a means of increasing network capacity, providing live backup in case one of the servers fails, and improving data security.
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  1. Xiaowei He 9,876 Reputation points


    Sorry for the later reply, seems there's a delay to receive your following notification.

    The GUM is a core component of the Cluster service modules , GUM means "global update manager", GUM first applies to the "locker" node and must succeed then update to other nodes. If the GUM operations are slow, might cause GUM update to fail.

    As far as I'm concerned, this warning may cause by the performance of node 1 is slow or pool.

    I would suggest you run Cluster validation on the cluster, check if there's any error. Check if the windows update and hardware firmware on the node is up to date, if not, please update them. Also, check if the hardware configuration on node 1 is the same as other nodes.

    Actually, if there‘s no error or issue in the cluster, I think we can ignore the issue.

    Thanks for your time!
    Best Regards,


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  1. Xiaowei He 9,876 Reputation points


    1. I noticed this is an "information" log, please check if there's any error, warning, critical logs along with the log.
    2. Please run Cluster validation on the cluster, then check if there's any error in the report, Cluster validation report locates in C:\Windows\Cluster\reports.

    Thanks for your time!
    Best Regards,


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