Hello Satheeskumar Palanisamy, Thank you for posting in Q&A forum.
Whether the win 11 and users you mentioned in the domain or not?
And would you please tell us how did you install apps like Instagram, Facebook etc? If you install them using GPO, then you can remove or delete them via change the existing GPO setting.
If you installed apps like Instagram, Facebook etc manually in the past, you may need to uninstall them manually. Or you can restirct the users to run them via group policy instead of removing them: User Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Don’t run specified Windows applications
For preventing users from running certain programs, you can also use applocker or Software Restriction Policies. Software Restriction Policies | Microsoft Learn I hope the information above is helpful. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to let us know. Best Regards, Daisy Zhou
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