Hi All
I am getting error connecting one of my Application to Active Directory. I am using service account.The service account credentials are correct. If i use dc01.contoso.com i am getting below error. i have unchecked TLS as well.
Error while connecting to ldap://dc01.contoso.com, java.net.socketexception: Connection reset.
Failed LDAP connection to : ldaps://dc01.contoso.com:636 - javax.naming.CommunicationException:
dc01:636 [Root exception is java.net.SocketException: Connection reset]
i have tried the below ways to connect i am getting error. i am also using ldap which is ldap.mydomain.com
ldap.mydomain.com port 636
ldap.mydomain.com port 389
ldaps.mydomain.com port 636
dc01.mydomain.com port 636
dc01.mydomain.com port 389