Task scheduler just runs programs (or scripts). If you cannot do it directly from the command line of the application (or via a script) then TS isn't going to be able to do it either.
If you're the author of a program and you want to allow a user to use the command line to skip some UI selections in your app then you'll need to write the code for that. TS can then pass arguments to the program. If you are not the author of the program then you need to look at the help (if any) for the program to see if they support command line arguments. If they don't then TS isn't going to be able to do anything to help you.
You didn't clarify what you meant by "enable the program" so I'm just guessing this is some feature of the app you're running. If you're talking about the UAC prompt then you can configure the task to run with elevated privileges and that will not trigger a UAC prompt. However the task would need to run under an account with admin privileges and therefore may not work in your situation.
If the app needs some sort of "agree to EULA" then oftentimes this is only done once so you could run the app once to agree to the terms and then use TS after that since it won't prompt anymore. Depends on the app though.