We have followed the above and have a working endpoint and are getting notices. We opted to not bother with encryption so are just getting the data without resource information. However, I am unclear on how we go about requiring graph to get the transcript data.
Below is an example of one of the recent resource strings that were sent over. How can I take this string and send back to graph to get the actual meeting/transcript data?
I tried the below thinking it would work but I get 404 page not found errors.
$meetings = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "'MBoyODBmMDk1MS04YjJhLTQ5MTctYWU1My0wY2UwOWRiZWYzNAcqMCoqMTk6bWVldGluZ19aR1V3TTJGak1qY3ROVEl6TVMwMGlXRXpMVGcxTkRBdE5ERTNPRFJtWkRnMVlqRTVAdGhyZWFkLnYy')/transcripts('MSMjMCMjYWE1MTYzNZgtZDHxYy00ZWE7LWJjMGItYzGmZmYzNWFkODQ2')" -Method "Get" -Headers $global:appHeader -ErrorAction Stop