I want to try write data from event hubs to cosmos db using azure function
Padmalochan sahoo
Reputation points
import azure.functions as func
import logging
import json
app = func.FunctionApp()
# Event Hub Trigger Function
@app.event_hub_message_trigger(arg_name="azeventhub", event_hub_name="o2arena_data",
@app.cosmos_db_output(arg_name="cosmosdbOut", database_name="my-database", collection_name="my-container", container_name="my-container", connection="CosmosDbConnectionString")
def eventHub_trigger_func(azeventhub: func.EventHubEvent, cosmosdbOut: func.Out[func.Document]):
# Parse the JSON data from the event
data = azeventhub.get_body().decode('utf-8')
event_data = json.loads(data)
# Extract relevant information
user_id = event_data.get("user_id")
user_name = event_data.get("user_name")
device_id = event_data.get("device_id")
device_source = event_data.get("device_source")
latitude = event_data.get("latitude")
longitude = event_data.get("longitude")
entry_time = event_data.get("entry_time")
exit_time = event_data.get("exit_time")
# Log the extracted information
logging.info(f"Received data for user {user_name} (ID: {user_id}) from device {device_source}.")
# Optionally, you can perform additional processing or validation here
# Create a document to be stored in Cosmos DB
cosmos_document = {
"id": user_id,
"user_name": user_name,
"device_id": device_id,
"device_source": device_source,
"latitude": latitude,
"longitude": longitude,
"entry_time": entry_time,
"exit_time": exit_time
# Store the document in Cosmos DB
except Exception as e:
logging.error(f"Error processing event data: {str(e)}")
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