Microsoft Support Corruption / Unlawful Account Suspension / Xbox Subscription Scam / Legal Breach by Microsoft Support/ Account Control Transfer

Mehdi Daily 0 Reputation points

Regarding Case SIR18070375, I fail to comprehend the rationale behind the suspension of the account in question, which I recently acquired through an agreement with the original owner. The login credentials were willingly provided by the original owner. The individual requested me to procure Xbox subscriptions, namely 3 12-month subscriptions and a one-month Ultimate subscription, for the purpose of converting them into a full 2-year Ultimate subscription. This practice, deemed illegal by Microsoft, is exacerbated by the fact that the individual resides in a country where Ultimate subscriptions are not supported. However, this issue falls under their jurisdiction. My role merely entailed purchasing these keys to assist them. Despite encountering conversion issues, I had to link my PayPal account and credit card to facilitate the transaction. I intend to investigate this matter further with Microsoft's legal department. Subsequent to completing these transactions, the individual ceased communication without making any payments or specifying a reimbursement timeline. This situation persisted for a week while they remained active on their Xbox profile. Consequently, pursuant to their initial agreement, I assumed control of the account and secured it until reimbursement. However, through a second collaboration with Microsoft support, the individual, in a flagrant breach of legality, regained control of the account, blocked it, and transferred the subscription and associated Xbox profiles to another account. By enabling this individual's unlawful activities, you inadvertently favor those engaging in illegitimate behavior over law-abiding individuals. I wish to underscore my longstanding subscriptions to Xbox and Office services and my unwavering loyalty to Microsoft. However, these recent practices have left me profoundly disillusioned. The decision to suspend the account was made without any prior communication between the involved parties.
I'm writing because of the corruption within Microsoft support, which has ignored my escalation. This is the first time I've experienced such treatment. I believe that everything can be resolved through communication, but it seems that Microsoft Support only communicates with corrupted individuals. I want to have a queue or an email to communicate with someone who can help me unlock the situation as soon as possible and where I can provide detailed information about the incident.

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