To retrieve the instrumentation key of Application Insights from the configuration of multiple app services under resources group from different subscriptions using Azure CLI script, you can use the following steps:
- Loop through each subscription.
- List all resource groups in each subscription.
- Filter resource groups based on your criteria (e.g., by name).
- List all app services within each resource group.
- For each app service, check if it's using Application Insights.
- If Application Insights is configured, retrieve the instrumentation key. Here's a sample Azure CLI script to achieve this: bash
# Azure subscriptions array
subscriptions=("subscription_id1" "subscription_id2" "subscription_id3")
# Loop through each subscription
for subscription in "${subscriptions[@]}"
echo "Subscription: $subscription"
# Set the current subscription
az account set --subscription "$subscription"
# List all resource groups
resourceGroups=$(az group list --query "[].name" -o tsv)
# Loop through each resource group
for rg in $resourceGroups
echo "Resource Group: $rg"
# List all app services in the resource group
appServices=$(az webapp list --resource-group $rg --query "[].name" -o tsv)
# Loop through each app service
for appService in $appServices
echo "App Service: $appService"
# Check if Application Insights is enabled for the app service
aiEnabled=$(az webapp config show --name $appService --resource-group $rg --query "" -o tsv)
if [[ -n $aiEnabled ]]; then
# If Application Insights is enabled, retrieve the instrumentation key
instrumentationKey=$(az monitor app-insights component show --app $aiEnabled --query "instrumentationKey" -o tsv)
echo "Instrumentation Key: $instrumentationKey"
echo "Application Insights not configured for $appService"
Replace subscription_id1
, subscription_id2
, etc., with your actual subscription IDs.
This script assumes that you have the necessary permissions to access the subscriptions, resource groups, and app services, and also assumes that Application Insights is used for monitoring the app services. Adjust the script as needed based on your specific requirements and environment.