Azure and Cisco Router not forming an express route BGP session
For some reason my BGP session to Azure through an Express Route connection is not forming. Below is the configuration of the Express Route Circuit: Peer AS: 65000 Subnets: IPv4 Primary IPv4: 10.x.x.0/30 Secondary IPv4 10.x.x.4/30 Vlan ID: XXX Cisco router config: router bgp 65000 neighbor 10.x.x.2 remote-as 65515 address-family ipv4 neighbor 10.x.x.2 activate interface GigabitEthernet0/0/3.XXX encapsulation dot1q XXX ip address 10.x.x.1 I can ping from the router to the Azure express-route connection but BGP is not forming and I do not see any BGP messages from Azure when I debug BGP from the Cisco router. What am I not seeing here?