The Following Steps works for me:
- Uninstalled the extension "IaaSAntimalware" in Extensions blade.
- Deleted the following path in the server "C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Azure.Security.IaaSAntimalware".
- Verified "System Center Endpoint Protection" completely removed or not in Installed programs list in Server.
- Installed extension "Microsoft Antimalware" in Extensions blade.
Still the Status in Azure Portal is showing as "Provisioning Failed".
next Steps:
5. Execute the below command in elevated admin command prompt.
C:\Packages\Plugins\Microsoft.Azure.Security.IaaSAntimalware\Version(Eg:>SCEPINSTALL /forceclean
6. Complete the step by step installation.
7. Gone through Steps 1 to 4 again.
Sudhakar Penki