@ac , Apologies for the delay!
For Azure cognitive search stand-point, create an instance of CognitiveServicesCredentials, and use it to instantiate the client, this way instead to isolate:
client = ImageSearchClient(endpoint=subscription_endpoint, credentials=CognitiveServicesCredentials(subscription_key))
Kindly review for correctness, replace the values with this:
SUBSCRIPTION_KEY with a valid subscription key.
YOUR_ENDPOINT with your endpoint url in portal and remove the bing/v7.0 section from the endpoint.
Also, the Python implementation adds automatically the Bing version, refer to a similar discussion.
If you're using version 1.2.0 or below for the Bing Image Search client library, use ImageSearchAPI() instead of ImageSearchClient() to initialize your search client.
We have tagged bing-image, for receiving insights from the right experts.