I figured out how to do it using this: AMSExplorer
How to create a new StreamingEndpoint for AMS
I'm trying to acces the client.StreamingEndpoints.CreateAsync method that requires resourceGroupName, accountName, streamingEndpointName and paramaeters of type StreamingEndpoint. How do I access this method. I can't seem to figure out how to create a new instance of StreamingEndpoint that needs to be passed with the call to create the new streaming endpoint. Can anyone help me with this?
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nbm-Syncronet 191 Reputation points
2020-11-12T13:01:22.793+00:00 I figured out that there is a way to do it with v2 of the API, but what i'm in need of is a way to do it with v3 of the API
Grmacjon-MSFT 17,886 Reputation points
2020-11-13T00:21:10.317+00:00 Hi @nbm-Syncronet ,
You can follow this AMS documentation to create a new StreamingEndpoint.
Hope that helps.