Hi - Thanks for the question
Your question centres around an additional application, "performance tracking tool", which is conceptually related to the workload which is deployed cross region as active-passive, but has a reporting/analysis function.
The shared dependency here is the data
Traffic manager in priority mode also works nicely from a front end perspective. It's not clear if you'd use your own DNS or where client traffic for "performance tracking tool" originates.
Managing the the database/data is the challenge
Az SQL DB will offer managed geo replication and eventual consistency. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/azure-sql/database/disaster-recovery-guidance?view=azuresql
*you need to think carefully about whether you want a capability to fail over all components or just some and whether you can really use the TM probes to automatically change the profile priority (active primary to passive secondary). In reality a number of steps may be required
*you need to think about the app RTO and RPO as a whole (and that includes the "performance tracking tool" application which may have business importance). As part of this you need to decide if all components have their own SLA or a shared SLA to the business
*you need to consider the RPO in terms of waiting for eventual consistency or accepting data loss (if / when you failover the DB)
*you need to think about whether both "front end" applications need to have read/write - or could the "performance tracking tool" be read only? If it can be read only perhaps the secondary region (passive) deployment of this tool could point to the local database replica read only - meaning you could fail it over independently. If not then you could configure it with the general endpoint connection string meaning it, and the front end, deployed in the secondary actually still point to the primary db location - until the db is failed over (whereby the dns is updated as part of the failover process so the applications would be pointed at the new primary in the secondary region).
*Consider that if both "front end apps " need read write then you will have to failover BOTH apps AND the database to achieve DR in the event of any one component having a problem
*The database backup strategy is a key part of this story - dont focus only on geo-replication
*Consider deploying in a way that the key application components are zone resilient (at least in the primary/active region) which means there's less chance you'll need to activate a DR plan in the first place. All components (everything inc dependencies required for the workload to be usable by the business) need to be zone resilient for this to work.