keynmae under name2sid registry key
I have a quick question. In the registry, under name2sid, -( Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IdentityStore\LogonCache\B16898C6-A148-4967-9171-64D755DA8520\Name2Sid), there are entries for each user who has logged on the computer. For example: Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\IdentityStore\LogonCache\B16898C6-A148-4967-9171-64D755DA8520\Name2Sid\156f1310d4be533e80fa9161b17c40ac183a5451f8c67d9c9f828531c96db3cf I have noticed that if the same user logs in in different computers, his key name is the same (156f1310d4be533e80fa9161b17c40ac183a5451f8c67d9c9f828531c96db3cf). It means that it is not a random value but it is computed from something. Can someone explain me how it is computed? I tried to derive this value from the sid or objectId of the user but I did not manage to find the exact algorithm. Thank you in advance.