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As I understand you have few questions over Azure Database for MySQL Single to Flexible Server migration.
1). What happens to my existing Azure Database for MySQL single server instances? Your existing Azure Database for MySQL single server workloads will continue to function as before and will be officially supported until the sunset date. However, no new updates will be released for Single Server and we strongly advise you to start migrating to Azure Database for MySQL Flexible Server at the earliest. Post sunset date, Azure Database for MySQL Single Server platform will be deprecated and will no longer be available to host any existing instances.
2). Can I choose to continue running Single Server beyond the sunset date? Unfortunately, we don't plan to support Single Server beyond the sunset date of September 16, 2024, and hence we strongly advise that you start planning your migration as soon as possible. Post sunset date, Azure Database for MySQL Single Server platform will be deprecated and will no longer be available to host any existing instances.
3). After the Single Server retirement announcement, what if I still need to create a new single server to meet my business needs?
As part of this retirement, we will no longer support creating new Single Server instances from the Azure portal beginning January 16, 2023. Additionally, starting March 19, 2024 you will no longer be able to create new Azure Database for MySQL Single Server instances using Azure CLI. If you still need to create Single Server instances to meet business continuity needs, raise an Azure support ticket.
The link shared by you is Migration through Azure CLI.
You can explore other methods of Migration as well from the standard Microsoft documentation.
You can perform any number of test migrations, and after gaining confidence through testing, perform the final migration. A test migration doesn’t affect the source single server, which remains operational and continues replicating until you perform the actual migration. If there are any errors during the test migration, you can choose to postpone the final migration and keep your source server running. You can then reattempt the final migration after you resolve the errors. After you've performed a final migration to Flexible Server and the source single server has been shut down, you can't perform a rollback from Flexible Server to Single Server.
Hope this helps. Let us know if you have further queries. Thanks