Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server having high CPU utilization
Ext Timlin Petri
Reputation points
Hi, I am having a Azure Database for PostgreSQL flexible server instance and it's cpu utilization was suddenly increasing. This increase was happen after table trigger (before insert) creation. Trigger was tested shortly and after test it was dropped. Not really knowing was this action causing cpu increase but it still in higher level than it was before trigger creation. I can see in the server logs that following lines:
2024-02-29 08:00:07 UTC-65e0397f.5abe-user=azuresu,db=azure_maintenance,session=65e0397f.5abe,sess_time=2024-02-29 07:59:59 UTCLOG: execute _p3: create table if not exists public.lsnmover (single_row_id bool default true, id bigint, update_time timestamp default now(), constraint ensure_one_row CHECK (single_row_id), constraint lsnmover_pk primary key (single_row_id))
2024-02-29 08:00:07 UTC-65e0397f.5abe-user=azuresu,db=azure_maintenance,session=65e0397f.5abe,sess_time=2024-02-29 07:59:59 UTCLOG: execute _p5: insert into public.lsnmover (id, update_time) select 1, now() on conflict on constraint lsnmover_pk do update set id =, update_time=now()
are happening 426 times during one hour. Is any clue what is reason for these actions and why cpu load is increased? Br, Petri
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