I have attached script which gives the status of the respective timer job whether it is connected with respective web application or not
I want to put this script in task scheduler
I know it is script given by third party. I just need your inputs on How to plan for task scheduler. Please see more details below.
Bascially to Run script for checking job existence periodically.
$job = get-sptimerjob -Identity $vwsJobName -WebApplication $webApplicationUrl
if($job -eq $null)
Write-Host "Virto Workflow Scheduler job does not exist. Please check Windows Log files."
I need to do action mentioned in below statement,(italic) But How Can I achive that using Task scheduler. Please shrae me the steps. Thank you. This is suggestion from respective support team. 39292-virtoscript1.txt39186-virtoscript2.txt
Mark last time when the job was present and first time when it was deleted. Then check Windows log files (Event Viewer) for this period. Check every suspicious error, exception or notification. The job can be deleted because of many reasons.