From above description I could understand that you are looking to monitor label failures on your clients.
Please do correct me if this is not the ask by responding in the comments.
You may try following: Logging and analyzing the protection usage from Azure Information Protection,
To download your usage logs by using PowerShell:
Start Windows PowerShell with the Run as administrator option and use the Connect-AipService cmdlet to connect to Azure Information Protection:
Run the following command to download the logs for a specific date:
Get-AipServiceUserLog -Path`` <location>`` -fordate`` <date>
For example, after creating a folder called Logs on your E: drive:
To download logs for a specific date (such as 2/1/2016), run the following command: Get-AipServiceUserLog -Path E:\Logs -fordate 2/1/2016
To download logs for a date range (such as from 2/1/2016 through 2/14/2016), run the following command: `Get-AipServiceUserLog -Path E:\Logs -fromdate 2/1/2016 –todate 2/14/2016`
When you specify the day only, as in our examples, the time is assumed to be 00:00:00 in your local time, and then converted to UTC. When you specify a time with your -fromdate or -todate parameters (for example, -fordate "2/1/2016 15:00:00"), that date and time is converted to UTC. The Get-AipServiceUserLog command then gets the logs for that UTC time period.
You cannot specify less than a whole day to download.
By default, this cmdlet uses three threads to download the logs. If you have sufficient network bandwidth and want to decrease the time required to download the logs, use the -NumberOfThreads parameter, which supports a value from 1 through 32. For example, if you run the following command, the cmdlet spawns 10 threads to download the logs: Get-AipServiceUserLog -Path E:\Logs -fromdate 2/1/2016 –todate 2/14/2016 -numberofthreads 10
Follow How to interpret your usage logs to read the logs and get inputs you are looking for. However the ultimate suggestion would be to use latest version of AIP and AIP client.
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Akshay Kaushik