External user is unable to access the shared content from OneDrive and getting the attached error.

Ajaz Khan 266 Reputation points

SPO error

External user is unable to access the shared content from OneDrive and getting the attached error. Ran Check User Access diagnostics and found that the affected user does not have access on the shared folder but he has.

1- Removed the user from the site collection and shared the folder again.

2- External Sharing is enabled Anyone for both SPO and OD on the tenant level.

3- Anyone can invite a guest user enabled in User settings on Azure AD.

4- It worked before but now giving the error.

5- SharePoint Online Client Extensibility Web Application is permission granted in Enterprise App.

6- The external user is using correct credentials to access the shared file.

Kindly let me know what else we can check.

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  1. AllenXu-MSFT 17,421 Reputation points Microsoft Vendor

    Hi @Ajaz Khan,

    This article provides general solutions to this error: Error AADSTS50020 - User account from identity provider does not exist in tenant. Please firstly try the solutions in it. Kindly let us know if it solves the issue or the issue still persists.


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