You can do this by creating a new Model and move the isSelected in it like following code. If you add the isSelected to the ViewModel. When the value of isSelected changed, all of the items's background color will be changed.
public partial class MyRolesWithSelctedStatus: ObservableObject
public string Role { get; set; }
private bool? isSelected;
Then you can change the List<Roles>
to the List<MyRolesWithSelctedStatus>
, add all Roles data to the List<MyRolesWithSelctedStatus> Roles
Next, you need to change the type to MyRolesWithSelctedStatus
in RoleSelected
method, when you selected item and set the IsSelected
to true, but items set the IsSelected
to false.
You can refer to the following code.
public partial class RoleSelectionPageViewModel : BaseViewModel
private string? welcomeText;
Roles SelectedRole;
public List<MyRolesWithSelctedStatus> Roles { get; set; }
public RoleSelectionPageViewModel()
Roles = new List<MyRolesWithSelctedStatus>();
List<Roles> GetRolesWithoutStatus = Models.User.GetUserRoles();
foreach (Roles role in GetRolesWithoutStatus)
MyRolesWithSelctedStatus myRolesWithSelctedStatus= new MyRolesWithSelctedStatus() { Role = role.ToString(), IsSelected=false };
WelcomeText = "Welcome user, choose your role";
public void RoleSelected(MyRolesWithSelctedStatus SelectedRole)
SelectedRole.IsSelected = true;
foreach (MyRolesWithSelctedStatus item in Roles)
if(item!= SelectedRole)
item.IsSelected = false;
In my tested demo, Border.GestureRecognizers
is not working in my side. So, I use a Button to implement the same result, you can check the following layout code.
Text="{Binding Path=WelcomeText, Source={x:RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type vm:RoleSelectionPageViewModel}}}"
VerticalTextAlignment="Center" />
<VerticalStackLayout BindableLayout.ItemsSource="{Binding Roles}">
<Border Margin="10">
<Button Text="{Binding Role}"
Command="{Binding Path=RoleSelectedCommand, Source={x:RelativeSource AncestorType={x:Type vm:RoleSelectionPageViewModel}}}"
CommandParameter="{Binding .}"
Binding="{Binding Path=IsSelected}"
<Setter Property="BackgroundColor" Value="CornflowerBlue" />
Best Regards,
Leon Lu
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