How to create the Data set, pipeline and run it, for excel format using C sharp for Data factory

Ashish Sharma 0 Reputation points

I want to create and run my pipeline from the repo using C#.

my code is

        string postgreSQLLinkedServiceName = "PostgreSQLLinkedService";

        LinkedServiceResource postgreSqlLinkedService = new LinkedServiceResource(

            new AzurePostgreSqlLinkedService


                ConnectionString = new SecureString(postgreSqlConnString)



        client.LinkedServices.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup, dataFactoryName, postgreSQLLinkedServiceName, postgreSqlLinkedService);

        // Create a dataset for source Azure Blob

        var listOfDataSetElements = GenerateListOfDataElements(dataSourceTableWithColumns);

        string blobDatasetName = "AzureBlobDataSetexcel";

        ExcelSource blobDataset = new ExcelSource(

                                                            new ExcelDataset


                                                                LinkedServiceName = new LinkedServiceReference


                                                                    ReferenceName = storageLinkedServiceName


                                                                Folder = $"tagwaye-files/{model.CompanyId}/{model.ProjectId}/DataSources",

                                                                FirstRowAsHeader = model.IsFirstHeaderAsColumn,

                                                                SheetName = model.SheetName,

                                                                Structure = listOfDataSetElements


Azure Data Factory
Azure Data Factory
An Azure service for ingesting, preparing, and transforming data at scale.
9,545 questions
An object-oriented and type-safe programming language that has its roots in the C family of languages and includes support for component-oriented programming.
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2 answers

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  1. Amira Bedhiafi 15,216 Reputation points

    Depending on where you want to store the processed data, you need to create a sink dataset.

    Define the activities that will be part of your pipeline. This could involve copying data, transforming data... If you're just moving data from Excel to another source, you might use the CopyActivity.

    Create the Pipeline: With datasets and activities defined, create a pipeline that uses these components and then trigger the pipeline run either on-demand or on a schedule.

    using Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory;
    using Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models;
    using System.Security;
    string storageLinkedServiceName = "<YourStorageLinkedServiceName>";
    string postgreSQLLinkedServiceName = "PostgreSQLLinkedService";
    LinkedServiceResource postgreSqlLinkedService = new LinkedServiceResource(
        new AzurePostgreSqlLinkedService
            ConnectionString = new SecureString("<YourConnectionString>")
    client.LinkedServices.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup, dataFactoryName, postgreSQLLinkedServiceName, postgreSqlLinkedService);
    // Create Excel Dataset for Source Azure Blob
    var listOfDataSetElements = GenerateListOfDataElements("<YourDataSourceTableWithColumns>");
    string blobDatasetName = "AzureBlobDataSetexcel";
    DatasetResource excelDataset = new DatasetResource(
        new ExcelDataset
            LinkedServiceName = new LinkedServiceReference { ReferenceName = storageLinkedServiceName },
            FolderPath = new Expression { Value = @"<YourFolderPath>", Type = ExpressionType.String },
            Parameters = { { "SheetName", new ParameterSpecification { Type = ParameterType.String } } },
            Schema = listOfDataSetElements
    client.Datasets.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup, dataFactoryName, blobDatasetName, excelDataset);
    string sinkDatasetName = "DatabaseTableDataset";
    DatasetResource dbTableDataset = new DatasetResource(
        new AzureSqlTableDataset
            LinkedServiceName = new LinkedServiceReference { ReferenceName = postgreSQLLinkedServiceName },
            TableName = "<YourTableName>"
    client.Datasets.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup, dataFactoryName, sinkDatasetName, dbTableDataset);
    // Define and Create a Copy Activity in a Pipeline
    string pipelineName = "ExcelToDbPipeline";
    var copyActivity = new CopyActivity
        Name = "CopyDataFromExcelToDb",
        Inputs = new List<DatasetReference> { new DatasetReference { ReferenceName = blobDatasetName } },
        Outputs = new List<DatasetReference> { new DatasetReference { ReferenceName = sinkDatasetName } },
        Source = new ExcelSource { },
        Sink = new SqlSink { }
    PipelineResource pipeline = new PipelineResource
        Activities = new List<Activity> { copyActivity }
    client.Pipelines.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroup, dataFactoryName, pipelineName, pipeline);
    // Run the Pipeline
    CreateRunResponse runResponse = client.Pipelines.CreateRunWithHttpMessagesAsync(resourceGroup, dataFactoryName, pipelineName).Result.Body;
    string runId = runResponse.RunId;
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  2. ShaikMaheer-MSFT 37,896 Reputation points Microsoft Employee

    Hi Ashish Sharma,

    Thank you for posting query in Microsoft Q&A Platform.

    Below is the sample code, which may helps you to create and run pipeline in ADF.

    using Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory;
    using Microsoft.Azure.Management.DataFactory.Models;
    using Microsoft.IdentityModel.Clients.ActiveDirectory;
    using Microsoft.Rest;
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Threading.Tasks;
    namespace AdfPipeline
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                // Set the Azure Data Factory properties
                string tenantId = "<your-tenant-id>";
                string clientId = "<your-client-id>";
                string clientSecret = "<your-client-secret>";
                string subscriptionId = "<your-subscription-id>";
                string resourceGroupName = "<your-resource-group-name>";
                string dataFactoryName = "<your-data-factory-name>";
                string pipelineName = "<your-pipeline-name>";
                // Authenticate with Azure Active Directory
                var context = new AuthenticationContext($"{tenantId}");
                var credential = new ClientCredential(clientId, clientSecret);
                var result = context.AcquireTokenAsync("", credential).Result;
                if (result == null)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Failed to obtain the JWT token");
                // Create the Data Factory management client
                var tokenCredentials = new TokenCredentials(result.AccessToken);
                var dataFactoryManagementClient = new DataFactoryManagementClient(tokenCredentials)
                    SubscriptionId = subscriptionId
                // Create the pipeline
                var pipeline = new PipelineResource
                    Activities = new List<Activity>
                        new CopyActivity
                            Name = "CopyData",
                            Inputs = new List<DatasetReference>
                                new DatasetReference
                                    ReferenceName = "<your-input-dataset-name>"
                            Outputs = new List<DatasetReference>
                                new DatasetReference
                                    ReferenceName = "<your-output-dataset-name>"
                            Source = new BlobSource
                                // Set the source properties
                            Sink = new BlobSink
                                // Set the sink properties
                            Translator = new TabularTranslator
                                // Set the translator properties
                // Create the pipeline in the Data Factory
                dataFactoryManagementClient.Pipelines.CreateOrUpdate(resourceGroupName, dataFactoryName, pipelineName, pipeline);
                // Run